Sunday, January 27, 2008


These have been among the few of my alltime favorite lines ..and i tend to relate this line" que sera sera..whatever will be will be..the furture's not ours to see.." with a lot many incidents in my life the various pitstops life had to offer...but the past month was defintely a life changing one in all respects...
Life will never be the same for me..although i often tell myself the futures not ours to see...if i could have turned back time i would have written dec16 2007 a lot more differently..i know its difficult to come to terms with such a huge loss...not everyday do u wake up to a thud..which will change your everyday i wake up to the feeling of such a vacuum...a feeling which gnaws me deep inside...yet i have to tell myself life continues..everything has a purpose..this one had its own too..although it just does not make any sense to me yet!! God help me see that purpose soon!!
Daddy i wish you could have been around till probably your tooth fell off or something..wasnt it to hasty a good bye????